Don't Need You (2005 Video)
the only cool thing about this documentary was the footage of the shows
31 December 2009
I was so excited to get this documentary! The riot grrrl movement was and still is really close to my heart.. I loved the energy, the music, the voices of the movement - HOWEVER - this documentary was in my opinion a very poor representation of the riot grrrl movement.. It looked like it was hastily put together and I'm afraid that it wouldn't give a very good impression to people not familiar with the movement and the music; if one is familiar with the movement and music - then it's just a big disappointment. It was SHORT, disorganized, poorly executed and edited... I was expecting something far more creative, something that would really be a good visual representation of the time, the music, the feelings behind the movement... so if you wanna know more about the riot grrrl movement, I suggest not starting here. Instead, listen to the music, buy LP's and look at their album art, read up on it online - look up feminist zines..
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