Pretty good, impressive Cortez spectacle.
31 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have all that much to add to what you've read here in the comments already, but for what it's worth here are a few more impressions: *Tyrone Power was quite good. Fine fine actor and believable in the swashbuckler role.

*Lee J. Cobb as a good guy(!) in tights(!!)--one of the best parts in the movie. Very good-if unexpected.

*Jean Peter-very young and pretty eye candy.

*Cesar Romero as Cortez, not shown as being anything but what he was-a pirate, a soldier and a greedy one at that. The Joker in one of his best roles.

*I loved the score, scenery and Tonto as the escaped slave Coatl, too. All good.

*Snidely Whiplash Da Silva and the Padre are quite well acted, too. Mowbray as the astrology-based hump-back was unique, shall we say.

Only reall problem I had is that they take Forever to get to the actual point of the mission-the attack on Montezuma himself. The movie drags in the second half and spends too much time on the intrigue.

But overall, it's well worth seeing, check it out.

*** outta ****
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