good cast, bad movie
25 December 2009
This movie stars Sid Haig & Ken Koree (Dawn of the Dead). The lead actress is very attractive and the outfits she wears is really the only thing that makes this movie even barely watchable. I watched this movie with several men and women who are big fans of horror movies and nobody liked it at all. I had to try and not fall asleep a few times. The main problem is that the movie is too talky, and almost all the scenes are shot in a small room. The sets are flimsy, and you can see the steel door and entire wall buckle when someone pounds on the wall.

I did not realize that Jason Connery (son of the legend Sean Connery) was in the movie until after I watched it. He is one of the good guys, the only one with a British accent. He is pretty good in this but he is not in it very much. Sid Haig is pretty creepy and Ken Foree is fun, but the movie really blows. I was shocked to see that this movie had an average of 5.0 on a 10.0 scale on IMDb. I don't know what the other people were thinking of when they saw this. The movie has the feel of one of the really low budget Full Moon Charles Band movies shot in Romania. Charles Band made a bunch of excellent movies, but this resembles one of his quickie made turkeys.

I have met Sid Haig and Ken Foree at several horror conventions and they are lots of fun and nice guys. I really like them both and am glad to see that they are still in demand. They both are a big credit to the horror genre. Unfortunately, this movie is really bad and has very little to offer. The lead actress looks sexy and is a good actress. She struts around in tight sleeveless tee shirts, showing off her nice body. If you are looking for a good horror movie, pass on this and look for something else.
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