the birds and the clouds
21 December 2009
okay, what can be said about 'A Man and his Dog out for Air'? not much. it's very unclear what director Robert Breer wanted to share with us, because in this film we only see never ending changing lines, as if a little child was playing with our minds, performing tricks with our sight, as a magician with his audience. in fact, that's all what Robert Breer seems to be: a magician. we hear a lot of sounds, coming from things unrepresented in the image: birds most of the time. the only thing is, we do not see them. why would Breer want us to hear something he doesn't show us? maybe for our own amusement, as an illusion on stage? I don't think so. I believe the birds are represented as clouds, changing as the lines on screen. finally, if we realize we're only watching a child's game made up by Breer, we see something that seems to be a guy with a dog. imagination becomes reality? reality becomes imagination? see it for yourself.
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