Review of Tulpan

Tulpan (2008)
A movie about the life in prairie
15 December 2009
Tulpan is very similar to Kusturica's movies, because as in his films, animals play in Tulpan their role too (not the actual animals, but more the sounds they make) and the humor is equally situational, equally great. Tulpan is about a boy, who wants to get married, dreams about his goals, has family and friends in a kazakhstan prairie. Of course, not his goal is important in the movie, but the way, how he tries to achieve it. Except of folk songs there is no soundtrack, the background is always filled with some kind of mooing, bleating rutting of some kind of animal. When I realized it (after an hour), I found it extremely ironical. Except of this, you can hear some funny tip-offs and pictures of every-day life in the prairie, which seemed to me rare, primitive and kind of funny. Although I discovered the idea of the movie quickly, and I saw it many times before, Tulpan shows it much more original.
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