The Four Horsemen (2008 Video)
Embarrassing and unwatchable
9 December 2009
I attempted to watch this film while serving in Iraq . . . got through about 15 minutes of it. Considered turning it off after about 5 minutes, gave it another 10 just to be fair. Probably the worst acting I have ever seen, aside from the "acting" in the movie "13 Seconds" (somehow made it through 5 minutes of that abortion of a flick).

Anyways, I digress. Truly disappointed in "The Four Horsemen." Looked like a good story, but too poorly done to watch. My buddies and I considered making out own little movie out here in Iraq just to pass the time, probably could have done a better job than the people who worked on this film. Do yourself a favor and just keep on moving down the movie rental shelf.
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