Boring, uneventful and cheap. (spoilers)
5 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't see how anyone found this movie disturbing in any way. The scare moments are either way too predictable or the characters just act in such an idiotic fashion that the scene loses its suspense and it all becomes a laughable endeavor into the unknown abyss of demonic hunting's.

I will give the film credit, at least it had an original idea and an interesting premise, but it just doesn't work with the characters and their completely moronic ideas and their reactions to the situation at hand, the guy thinks he's fixing everything with a camera and baby powder and she thinks inviting experts over (who by the way openly admits that it pisses the demon off) will fix the problem.

Also the ending, I know some people may not have seen the movie, so hopefully they don't read this. But what's the point in trying to have this realistic gritty horror movie and then suddenly girl gets possessed yada, yada, yada, and attacks the camera before credits roll. Yes because possessed crazy demon women attack cameras on a whim, it was a last shot at another cheap scare, and the audience I was so lucky to see this movie with were surprised and startled at a scene that was so obviously going to happen.

I don't have much else to say about this movie other than that if you're lover of horror and you want a good scare you can do better than going to see this film. Rent Exorcist or Jacob's Ladder or something, get a movie that actually messes with your head and makes you think, cause this, well lets just say it doesn't cut it. Jump scares were old when they were first implemented into film.
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