The Prisoner (2009)
Slow, boring, not worth the buildup it got!
4 December 2009
When something is slow, boring and mysterious…does it really matter what the mystery is? Or what the twist turns out to be? I can't say this remake didn't try: Jim Caviezel and Ian McKellen are certainly good actors and everything looked good enough. But after 6, long, droning, slow-paced episodes with not much investment in any of these characters and a plot that centers around…well, damned if I know, I just felt very disappointed. It was only my need to see it through once I'd started that got me to the end, which had it's own marginally shocking twist. And what I mean by that is, there's just so little to care about that even the moments that are meant to be most shocking or upsetting are simply moments where you say, "Okay, I may not have seen that coming, but why am I not caring more?" I hate to pan anything (I'm amazingly forgiving of most movies or TV shows, and will usually give at least a "fair" grade to most) but with all the buildup for this, it ended up feeling like a real waste of time. While I may stay up 'til the wee hours catching up on say, Lost or 24, this just didn't do it for me.
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