Female Fantasies' Island (in a Château)
3 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A young woman named Giselle Burt (Eva Kleber) goes to travel agency "Avonture Aavoy" to book a trip to exclusive cure resort Château la Folie. This Château is staffed by four men and the clientèle is entirely female. Alban (Alban Ceray) and Christian (Richard Allan) are the owners, assisted by Francios (Francois Terlah) the personal trainer and Dieter (Gerard Lippard) the German cook (they stress his nationality that way). Next to giving each of their guests a warm physical, these professionals are committed to play out all the women's fantasies. You know, like Mr. Roarke and Tattoo, only in a mansion instead of on an island. It's the ultimate male fantasy (but surprisingly enough, written by a Irene Renard).

All sorts of attractive women with money to burn come and go (and come again) and actually pay these four ugly, hairy men to have as much sex with them as possible. Giselle is checked in by Alban (non sexually) while Christian is pleasing Patricia Pasquale (who's featured in the first and last sex scene in this film). Though the entire operation was Alban's idea, Christian feels he's doing all the work. So, Alban wows to prove him wrong while their annoying pet parrot laughs at him. Obviously the two of them can't satisfy all these women at once, so Dieter provides lunch for Diane Dupont in the kitchen. Later he and Francois help Olinka (as Viola) with her exercises, managing to get her in a couple of unusual positions on a swing (Olinka is not only the blondest woman in the film, she's also the most flexible).

Cathy Menard seems to be the only one with an actual reason to be treated: she claims to have trouble getting aroused. So she climbs into the gynecologist chair for a thorough examination by Christian. Giselle is still unsure which fantasy she wants to live out, although she has set her sights on Alban. This upsets both Christine Black and Barbara Legrand, as it was their turn with him. They resort to pleasing themselves, and let the cook join in when he arrives with champagne and late-comer Alban as well. In between each sex scene, Alban and Christian compare notes in their study and have more alleged funny banter with Miterand the parrot.

Other encounters include Alban and Olinka (because Chrstian was busy). And again she gives him his money's worth, and then proceeds to pay him a thousand Francs per orgasm. At night, Alban dresses up as Count Dracula, while Christian is a yodeling Tiroler. The latter hurts his back falling off a ladder, but the former has more success with Barbara. Meanwhile Giselle resorts to the rubber prosthesis on the knight in armor that had only been a lame-o running gag up till now. With Christian out of the running for the time being, Alban gets the daunting task of pleasing the eccentric Denise (Katherine Nuevo).

Finally the two male leads team up on Simone (Patrica Pasquale), who promises she will return and tell all her friends. Then there's a semi-amusing here-we-go-again tag set at the travel agency including some classic cameo's to round out the circular script.

6 out of 10
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