I don't know what to say
30 November 2009
I feel that a 4 is generous for starters. Let's first of all start with the complete lack of plot. I mean these are the same guys that brought us V for Vendetta and then they give us this nonsense. The horrible plot which is usually forgivable in an action flick just feels so overplayed throughout the entire film. You also feel no connection to the characters at all. Frankly that's all you can even say about it.

The action is laughable and yea there is tons of gore but it looks so terribly fake you'll be laughing the entire time.

Frankly the best recommendation I can give is consider getting it on bluray if only to show off your home theater setup but most of the film is so dark its hard to even consider that.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh but this movie didn't even manage to keep me mildly entertained
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