An interesting and informative retrospective documentary
29 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This nifty 72 minute documentary offers seven segments which cover various aspects of the legendary 1974 cult horror classic "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre." Cinematographer Daniel Pearl talks about how he got started in the film business and attributes the lion's share of his success to "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre;" he admits he learned his craft while shooting the picture and is justifiably proud of his expert use of the dolly track (amazingly, Pearl went on to shoot the 2003 remake as well!). Tim Harden, the president of the movie's official on-line fan club, takes us on a tour of the farmhouse which has now been converted into a restaurant. The funny and witty Ed Neal happily discusses playing the Hitch Hiker; he patterned his portrayal of this crazy character after a nephew who was mentally unstable and does several spot-on sidesplitting celebrity impressions. There are touching tributes to deceased cast and crew members Robert A. Burns, Paul A. Partain, and Jim Siedow. Noted plastic surgeon W.E. Barnes talks about the lengthy and complex process of creating Grandpa's make-up. Moreover, we get lots of nifty footage of the Cinema Wasteland and Texas Frightmare Weekend horror conventions complete with interviews with famous make-up artists Tom Savini and Tom Sullivan (they both discuss the first time they saw the movie). Saving the best for last, affable and articulate Leatherface thespian Gunnar Hansen makes for an extremely charming and engaging interview subject as he cheerfully yaks about how he treated playing Leatherface as an interesting summer job, his aspirations to become a successful writer (he's penned various scripts, books, and even poems), moving to Maine after finishing the movie, his belated realization that the picture had become a massive cultural phenomenon in the late 80's, and returning to acting after playing the main villain in the enjoyably campy schlock gem "Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers." Russell Clepper's twangy score hits the harmonic spot. The sharp cinematography by Stephen Toland and Matthew Talesfore likewise does the trick. Of course, there's a wealth of choice clips and cool stills from the movie as well. Highly recommended to fans of the film.
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