Phenomenon (1996)
Shot in the dark
26 November 2009
Well I approached this movie with trepidation thinking this was going to be some pseudo babble about higher powers and higher beings. Instead I was pleasantly surprised without being blown away. Basically this is the story of George Malley (Travaolta) a small town mechanic who though an unexplainable phenomenon becomes able to function of a higher level, gaining the ability to process information like no other human being. This plays out affecting all his relationships and drawing attention from the wider world. There is lots to like here and Travolta is earnest enough, and maybe this is just me but I really struggle to accept him as a small town mechanic he is just not every day enough for me to carry of these sort of roles. But on the plus point he is supported by the ever wonderful Robert Duvall and Forrest Whittaker and his best friends. This has a good message at its core without being spectacular at anything. Would I watch it again. On a rainy day yes and preferably with my wife.
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