The Outer Limits: Tourist Attraction (1963)
Season 1, Episode 13
Based on H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu
19 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the lake monster looked pretty cool compared to some of the bad special effects on other episodes such as the absurd looking rockets, etc. I'd like to walk him around my neighborhood on a leash and see what the neighbors would do.

It is clear however that this was inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's story The Call of Cthulhu. On the other hand it's interesting that a lot of the themes from The Outer Limits reappeared on the original Star Trek and the Twilight Zone in later years.

Hollywood invented recycling before it became a fad. If you read old science fiction or look at old movies you see how the plots repeat in later shows and movies.
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