well made for a low budget movie
19 November 2009
Political ranting aside, I think the movie deserves better than a sub-five average rating. It's well acted by the leads and Rob Lowe seems 'engaged' in his role. The DVD extras explain in detail the limitations of the production but at the same time the investment in the film by the director and cast members. It works as a ghost story and also as a mystery. The make-up and effects are well done and it has a decent pace. In a way it still has a distant connection to the first Stir of Echoes in that it portrays a working class American family. Yes, the film does make a comment on racism, but I didn't feel this was a generalized anti-American slag the way some other reviewers did. I look forward to other movies by this director and thumbs up to Rob Lowe for bringing his 'A' game to this small film. And where else can you see a Stouffville, Ontario sand pit doubling for Iraq?
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