Berlin Blues (2003)
Stream of consciousness....or puddle?
17 November 2009
Character driven...the strength of this film is its lack of narrative drive...

...and the weakness of this film is its lack of narrative drive...

I'm all for films that break away from the conventions...but this one is...

The greasy haired Herr Lehmann does not engage me. Nor do his cronies. The film is like a stream of consciousness with no resolution. The 10p ending of the fall of the wall is? Like, Na...und? What does it have to do with anything??? Didn't enjoy it. Kinda interesting and kinda boring.

I love Berlin. I love Kreuzberg. It was nice to spend an hour or two in that lokal...but it would have been better spent with interesting people. A nerd and his nerdy friends didn't do it for me. I'd rather have followed Soda Pop (Fanta) Rainer's story.
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