Review of Pathogen

Pathogen (II) (2006)
Technically terrible, but entertaining overall
17 November 2009
I watched this movie in Fantaspoa/2009, together with the documentary "Zombie Girl" (read my review on that movie). It was a very good experience, mainly because of the documentary. After the movie session the audience had a very enlightening talk with 3 horror-movies specialists.

Technically speaking, this movie is terrible. It is full of continuity problems, including sequences where the time of the day changes from one scene to the other, with a dialog starting in daylight and continuing in a night-dark environment, then going back to a daylight environment, all in the same conversation of the characters. The sound is sometimes inaudible, but most of the time it's just bad. The actors are completely amateur, being a group of Emily's school colleagues. If you are into "B" movies for the fun of its mistakes, you'll love this movie.

There are 2 good things about this movie. The script, that even though is not exactly an innovation, is well written. And the different camera takes, that also have nothing new to it, but Emily managed to make the movie very dynamic, keeping it at a good pace. Of course taking care of every detail in a movie is a huge task for a single person, specially an inexperienced 12 years old child. But the fact is, this film is entertaining. It's not boring, which is more than can be said of some Hollywood professional works.
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