Stargate (1994)
"Please do not leave your luggage unattended at any time, and we hope you'll have a nice intergalactic journey"
17 November 2009
Not many people know this yet, but I'm writing the next Emmerich film. Yes. It's going to have a lead who's a dorky, socially awkward, extremely smart yet ignored scientist of some field that will relate to the plot, which will be something big, requiring a lot of costumed extras and loud special effects, and be set or deal with something fantastic that isn't that closely linked to reality. Seriously though, for using the same basic formula, his flicks tend to be fun and enjoyable escapism. Plus, this marks the possibly unique occasion of James Spader not(!) playing the role of a sexual deviant in the movie he's in. I guess he wanted to branch out. Russell, as expected, nails his part as the hardened military man who does have a heart, and in general the acting is great. The story is interesting enough, and it develops fine throughout. Pacing is good, and this does notably not overwhelm or overstimulate the audience, in spite of presenting a world that we can't directly relate to. Stephen Sommers, are you paying attention? The FX are excellent. This is exciting, entertaining and cool. The action is awesome and not excessive. As for music, this uses a broad, sweeping score, and that works well. The humor is reasonable, the jokes and gags are hit and miss. There is infrequent mild to moderately strong language and a little violence and one or two hints towards sexuality in this. I recommend this to any and all fans of those who made it, particularly Roland. 7/10
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