Swimming, pancakes, and sorcery....and turtles
17 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
We've already got more than a handful of body-swap movies out there in the vein of Freaky Friday, so what's one more? If you hadn't already guessed, this is a German film and as such should be viewed in German with subtitles(unless you're fluent). If you watch the dubbed version, there will be a scene cut out, at least one so I've read, where a character walks into the girls' locker room and you see a half-second's worth of bare breasts. Personally, I don't know what that scene is doing in a kids' movie to begin with, nor do I think 12 year olds should be running around saying curse words for "poop." But, this is Germany and not the States, and kids are subjected to much worse, I suppose.

A boy, Mickey, and a girl, Emma, attend the same school along with their friend, Foureyes(he doesn't wear glasses and even adults call him this name). Without expounding much, Mickey and Emma switch bodies due to a botched spell from a sorcerer's grimoire that Foureyes stole, along with a coat, from a 125 year old sorcerer. Said sorcerer is only marginally good at spellcasting and occasionally gets the spells wrong or forgets the magic words. He also totes around a turtle named Mrs. Lazybones who has a fondness for ham sandwiches and can speak, if you only listen. The rest of the film deals with the attempts of the three children to reverse the spell before the time limit on the spell is up. To further gum up the works, Emma's rival in swim practice learns of their plight and does her best to foil their attempts at spell reversal. It all works out in the end, as you'd expect, with the usual morals and each child learning something about themselves and the other two as a result of the experience.

The effects are not much to speak of, but kids will probably not care as the CGI is about as good as anything you'd see on Nickelodeon live-action shows with effects.
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