Mindless - Fun - Dumb Entertainment - Watch for Pfeiffer
13 November 2009
OK, First of all, It is an American Graffiti rip-off, but so what. Yeah, the actors don't look like they're in High School, but so what. It's crude, has virtually no plot, with the hero's outwitting the dim-witted cops time after time, but it's still a great way to spend some time looking at cars, hearing some great music and having fun. I rate this a six because some of the jokes fall flat, and the plot is very weak. If you want a coming of age movie, American Graffiti is better.

I must say that Michelle Pfeiffer in this movie has never looked better. OMG she is so hot. You can just tell that this woman was going to be a star. She was around 22 years of age at the time of this movie. She has a bit part in the movie, but her attractiveness just jumps off of the screen. She appears in a car-hops outfit, but again wow, wow, wow. I don't remember if I saw this in the theater, but I do remember thinking the first time I saw this movie that this girl was going to be a superstar. If you appreciate just looking at beautiful women, like I do, just rent or buy this movie for her alone.

Additional Irony - The Tony Danza character doesn't want Michelle to leave because she's going to be a big star and forget him. Talk about an unintentionally prescient scene. After this movie Pfeiffer did become a star, and Tony Danza became a ... sorta non-star. Kinda makes you think doesn't it. Maybe the writers knew something about the future after all?
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