One big flaw seriously hampers this film
13 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well-acted and enjoyable film in most ways, but one element in this plot really left me flat. It's a shame, as the film, with a few plot changes, could have been much, much better.

The movie begins with Claudette Colbert on board a ship which is about to be headed to Paris. Her boyfriend is with her--trying to convince her to marry him and give up this trip. However, she is determined to see something of the world, as her life is rather dull.

Once in Paris, however, things don't seem that interesting as Claudette doesn't know anyone or the language (in real life, I am pretty sure that the French-born actress was fluent). When she meets up with two fellow Americans, Robert Young and Melvyn Douglas, they spend the rest of the trip together. Young and Douglas are friends traveling together, but Young has a secret--as he's ardently wooing Miss Colbert, he already has a wife. This really makes him out to be a creep and inexplicably, Douglas (who doesn't approve) says nothing to warn Colbert!! Now considering that Douglas is supposed to be a nice guy, his allowing his friend to chase Colbert is pretty despicable and makes no sense at all--especially since Douglas, too, wants Colbert for himself. So why didn't he just tell her that his buddy was already married and end all the suspense?! I hate it when a film hinges on a plot element that makes no sense and Douglas' complicity makes no sense at all--plus it makes the viewer dislike both male leads.

It's a shame, really, as apart from this huge problem, the dialog is witty and the actors try their best. In fact, one of the most delightful aspects of I MET HIM IN France was watching Colbert and Douglas ice skate. They were both remarkably good and doubles were not used in the scenes--it really is the actors doing figure eights and skating backwards.

So is it worth seeing? Well, if you are a total nut for classic Hollywood films, sure. But don't rush out to see it. Otherwise, if you aren't already a huge fan, this film will do nothing to convert you and each of the leads has done much better films that you should see first.
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