Habana Blues (2005)
A good musical
12 November 2009
This film starts off poor underground music players that you think are never going to make it, and you think that is the only story to the film; but when you get further into the film you see a large part of the Cuban culture. There are people that do not want to sell out and going to a country where it is easier to get popular, there are people that want to get popular at any cost, and there are people that must leave in order to better their family. This film is great at portraying this, because it is not over dramatized.

The theme of music is a little overwhelming in the film because music is constantly being played to the point where it should be classified as a musical; but the music is very culturally sound with Cuban sounds, this keeps the viewer interested in watching the film. The music plays along with the plot, and gets poppy when the movie is exciting, and slower romantic music when the film is trying to portray intimacy.

The actors are pretty good; the main actor goes through many changes through the film. From wanting to do drugs, sex, and rock & role, to towards the end, wishing that he were more of a family provider; he knows at the end that he must let go of something to keep another. These decisions at the end is what made the film for me, it makes it real, and not over dramatized; which makes the viewer relate more.
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