Hilarious, real, one-of-a-kind
11 November 2009
Rarely have I had the pleasure of laughing as much as I did while watching this movie.

"Harmony and Me" may be the funniest film I've ever seen--it captures perfectly that all-too-human self-pitying pitiful state of rejection, lost relationship, heartbreak that we've all descended into at some point in our lives.

The movie offers that rare opportunity to laugh at our own despair. Watching Harmony chew on his misery mirrors the mental replay that you can't seem to escape when a relationship goes wrong. It's a timeless tale. Yet Byington uniquely spotlights the emotional obstacle course of relating. The tone is quirky, and the story rings all the more true for it. The characters feel very real.

Perfect comedic timing. Hilarious script. Excellent acting. Brilliant.
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