Limits of Control is an Art movie, not Entertainment.
10 November 2009
Limits of Control seems to me to be designed for the attitude of European Art-Film lovers. Not American multiplex mall rats.

If you like Fellini and Picasso you'll find something in this movie.

If you prefer James Cameron and combat computer games you'll hate this movie.

If you're an American Republican you'll hate this movie. If you're a Psychedelic Socialist you'll love this movie.

What I like about Jim Jarmusch's film is that his surrealism is just the right dose of strangeness to keep me interested when it seems there is little or no action. Unlike David Lynch, who to me, seems to want to make his audience ill and disturbed. Lynch is LSD laced with Strychnine. Jarmusch is magic mushrooms and periodic hits of DMT.

I suspect people who gave Limits of Control a bad review didn't see the whole movie.
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