Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009 Video Game)
Prepare to be exhilarated....
7 November 2009
Modern Warfare 2.....Where to begin? If you have played and enjoyed CoD4, then no doubt you have been anticipating this game as much as I have. Having received my copy today, I immediately installed it to my xbox and got stuck in to the campaign.

First things first: This is as well scripted and as wonderfully acted as the first Modern Warfare. The characterisations and the feeling of immersion are at a level far beyond most video games, and you will feel the gut-punching twist's in plot as if it were you in the game.

The adult nature of the story-telling is also amplified in the story, and you are given the choice of experiencing it as IW intended, or if you'd rather not risk offending yourself. Take my advice, and play EVERY level. Yes there are some very disturbing moments, and you may well be profoundly shocked (as I was) by one mission in particular. But IW are masters of plot, character and emotional involvement, and you must ride the highs and lows to fully appreciate the achievement of Modern Warfare 2.

It is a masterpiece of level design, and will frustrate and amaze in equal measure. The sheer spectacle that is delivered by this game is beyond words. More times than I can count, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and my mouth grew dry in anticipation of what was about to happen....and I was never left wanting. From remote piloting a UAV, jumping chasm's on a snowmobile, using heartbeat detectors in blizzards to find your pursuers, and using amazingly realised military hardware.

Without question, IW are the masters of military FPS's, and this shows how far ahead of the competition they currently are. Adult game-making comes no better, be in no doubt.
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