Who says TV can not be educational?
4 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a microcosm of America today. Everything is outsourced, including customer service. When we do go to stores ; Employees are multi-tasking. Very sad the way our nation has been sold to the highest ur I mean lowest bidder overseas. This film documented how Ronald Reagan was an elitist that helped bring our industries down, with blame to Clinton as well for NAFTA. Yes we all want goods and services cheaper. The American consumer is part of the greed process. The film geniously, portrayed how working conditions evolved from tedious and dangerous, to thriving for the middle class and immigrants... Thanks to labor unions and than to practically nil. The garment industry ,eerily, resembles the auto industry. The people in 3rd world nations, including children are slaving the way Americans did a century or so ago. My one criticism is that the film did not highlight the 80's designer jeans craze ... whether it be Jordache, Sassoon and later on Cavariccis. Overall a must see film that explored the garment industry in NYC from every perspective..management,owners, shareholders, blue collar workers, as well as union and political influence.
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