Snakehead Terror (2004 TV Movie)
Its a Friday night at a friends house, nothing is on TV......
30 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
You've all been there, you are with a couple of friends, and you have flicked through the channels and the DVD collection. and you have found nothing. But wait....what is this channel that you never knew existed, or that gap between the sofa and the wall? That is where you will find this shockingly terrible piece of cinema, it is not even worthy of the bargain bin! So anyway, you have nothing better to do, so you turn on the DVD player, or select that channel that you have never heard of. You open a couple of cans of drink, rip open a bag of crisps (or potato chips) and be prepared to roar with laughter at this pathetic excuse of a film. It is an insult to the 'horror' genre.

In a nutshell, we have a very simple, crude plot. Some teens, including the attractive teenage girls in tight clothes are at a lake in the middle of a forest. A local has been caught disposing of toxic waste into the lake, causing the once small or 'pesky' snake head fish to grow to unreal sizes (one is the size of a bus, this made be cry with laughter). And so, these overgrown, carnivorous fish have strong pectoral fins, enabling them to move on land by using them as limbs. They eat and kill countless people, but as the effects are so bad, all of the scenes involving this a mockable. And of course, the teenagers seek aid in the form of a shotgun, as always.

If you are a traditional film lover, who wants to see a horror film on a league with Hitchcock's or Craven's films, please don't expect much. If you are a 15 year old boy who loves cheesy gore, and you have equally odd friends you will adore this film.
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