Review of Werewolf

Werewolf (1995 Video)
Howlingly Bad
26 October 2009
OK, bad doesn't even begin to describe it. Rabidly horrible is more like it. But, if you're looking for a good MST3K flick, this is it. How could there possibly be a "spoiler" with this trash??? That's hilarious. The entire movie is a spoiler. Just when you think the werewolf can't get any goofier, it does. And, the dames! Wow, a pageant of bimbos for your viewing pleasure. How does a movie like this get made? Who even puts up $10 for the budget? Guess this is what coke and booze do to "producers" who produce nothing but red ink. Filmed with a home video camera, at best. Guess this filled the 10-line minimum for comments. Off to seek even worse material, if that's possible.
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