Friends: The One Where Heckles Dies (1995)
Season 2, Episode 3
Matthew Perry's finest hour
25 October 2009
Whilst this episode is excellent and gives a glimpse of the overall brilliance of Season 2, the main reason it stands out for me is the performance of Matthew Perry.

I imagine that at the time the series was probably a little too young for it to be recognised by The Emmy committee but, having watched it several times through TV re-runs, it is clear to see that Perry puts in a wonderful sequence of beautifully-acted scenes which highlight Chandler at his achingly neurotic best.

You really feel like you go on a journey through his back-story, and come to empathise with his current-day status as loner-to-be, all in the space of less than 25 minutes. If retroactive Emmys were to be handed out, I would no hesitation in nominating this episode as Perry's magnum opus.
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