Delightful and full-worthy "sequel" to "Tinker Bell"
24 October 2009
All fans of Tinker Bell and her first movie have no reason to worry; "Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure" is a full-worthy sequel to the first movie. Considering that there's only one year of absence between the movies, the filmmakers have done a good job to make this a complete movie and not only a product for cash-cowing, like it easily could have been.

Although I enjoyed last years Tinker Bell adventure, I definitively enjoyed this film more. The previews who were released before the movie came out seemed very promising and the final movie definitively lived up to the expectations. This "sequel" is more dynamic in many ways. It opens with the catchy and inspiring "If You Believe". The plot is more engaging, more suspenseful and it has a few more action sequences than it's predecessor, but this is after all a G-rated family film, so it never crosses the line.

The film focus more on the relationship between Tink and Terence this time, which serves the movie well. Tink herself is presented as a versatile character and the fact that she actually talks feels never distracting in neither of the movies.

Otherwise, this film has the cuteness-factor like the first flick had, which only makes the experience more enjoyable, but it's also a bit more edgier in terms of the adventurous plot. The animation is even better this time, the characters are still likable and the cute score of Joel McNeely fits the movie well. Besides, there are more humor in the screenplay.

So don't hesitate by seeing this movie when it comes to DVD. It is a cute and sweet movie experience and a wonderful movie threat for kids and every Tinker Bell fan.
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