Pretty average
19 October 2009
I don't know enough about Aussie involvement in WWII to say if this has actually happened, but I understand that there are definitely some things that don't ring true, accuracy-wise. The plot is fine, though I can't claim that this ever gripped me. Not even a firm handshake. The pacing is reasonable enough, and the battles and such have their moments. Acting is mixed, none of it got me that engaged in this. Was Gibson not a name yet? Mad Max was out, as was its first sequel. Did he not get recognition before Lethal Weapon? I am not sufficiently familiar with his career, and I frankly don't care to be. Neill, come on, he's got talent, had that not been realized at this point? Did he need a paycheck? That badly? Seriously? While I suppose I may have just watched a half-heartedly put together copy of this, I gotta say... there were a lot of speeches in, I guess Mandarin, that seemed to be important and like they should affect the audience, in spite of the fact that they were not subbed. What gives? I did follow the story, however, if the words were meant to evoke emotion, they failed. Still, this is not useless, or it doesn't have to be. If so inclined, you can make drinking games for it. How about every time a gun fires without making a sound? Each time the piece of music playing in this is one that belongs in a film at least one or two decades prior to the release of this. And of course, whenever you spot a tired action flick cliché. Make sure to stock up. I recommend this to the biggest fans of war movies. 5/10
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