watch as prescribed
18 October 2009
"i realized that i would never be happy and i am much happier because of it". I remember when I first watched the film many years ago (on VHS) I didn't think much of it and years later I gave it another go because I am a Kids in the Hall fan. It turns out there are many who prefer the movie who have given it a second or more viewings. The movie is silly (which is one thing I love) and also quite brilliant. I have to say it has earned the title of being a cult classic and is up there with the Monty Python movies. Much of the dialogue itself is funny and the characters just add so much humour to the screen. The only real problem I have with the movie is the DVD. The DVD lacks completely of special features (and is now out of print). Where is the trailer? (which is totally worth seeing over and over again). Where are the deleted scenes? (There happens to be several deleted scenes). What about the alternate ending (Which is worth watching). Maybe the movie could have been funnier if some of the removed scenes had made it's way into the movie. But still the movie is fine the way it is but again the DVD should feature the removed content in order to appreciate this movie even more. I've seen the work print of the movie and of course the movie itself and yet the trailer has moments that is in neither. What is that all about? Anyway I think the Kids have done a great job here and this movie is perfect for a good laugh but it makes me sad and depressed to see all the missing content from the DVD. Then again watching this movie is a great cure for depression.
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