"Romancing the Stone" it's not.
17 October 2009
In fact, this puddle of cinematic up-chuck came in a full year before Zemeckis' adventure/romance. But whereas Douglas and Turner were able to generate a few sparks, Fonda and Raffin's relationship just kind of sits there, forlorn and pathetic, like a wet lump of used Kleenex.

Fonda is the only helicopter pilot in the entire South American country of Whereeverania. Raffin is the US anthropologist who hires him to fly out into the jungle so she can visit a colleague about a mysterious tribe of pygmies he's discovered. Along the way insults get flung, tables get turned, and the dad from "Good Times" shows up as an African witchdoctor who has inexplicably decided to take a holiday trip to the amazon.

If that last bit sounds stupid, well, it only gets worse.

The entire production is about as exciting as an NPR pledge drive and by the time this thing finally drags to a climax it makes "A Prairie Home Companion" seem like Bullitt by comparison. Unless you're the hardest of hard core bad movie fans, avoid this one like you would a rabid dog.
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