Review of Essence

The X-Files: Essence (2001)
Season 8, Episode 20
Everybody wants Scully's baby
11 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The traditional view of human nature is that essence leads to existence, as Mulder says in the his voice over in the teaser. Specifically, he is talking about Scully's baby. The baby was essence before it was existence. What does this mean? It means before there was a baby, somebody had to have the idea of creating the baby. However, in Scully's case, it appears that just about everybody in the world had the essence of the baby and the big question is whose essence led to the baby's existence. And the most important question of all is who CARES ANYMORE!? I'm sorry but watching these episodes is just painful for me. Zeus genetics and company are sneaking around doing terrible evil things like... giving Scully vitamin supplements? Couldn't she just have said, "hey these are good for you, have some." Every three minutes from here until they finally get rid of the kid someone is trying to get at Scully's baby and after all the trouble they go through he always ends up "just fine". It only gets worse from here into season 9 when he begins exploding space ships and killing cults by being special alien Jesus or whatever. Anyway, as far as the episode goes, if there were no Scully's baby junk and no super soldier crap I would probably actually enjoy it. There is some good action including Bllly Miles getting run over by Krycek, and a pretty intense escape from the parking garage scene (which earns a little sequel in the next episode). But there is just too much that either doesn't make sense or is just too uninteresting to even try and make sense out of it. I give the episode a 5 out of 10.
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