it could have been another Get Smart
9 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It killed me that this show was canceled so quickly. I remember laughing my head off during every episode. Most of the other comments have described the premise and the cast, so I'll just describe one of the scenes I remember best. King Richard, who was off at the crusades, was required to set foot on English soil once a year or else lose the crown, so word got out that he was sailing to England. Of course his brother, Prince John, was plotting to prevent the king from reaching shore, while Robin Hood was determined to help the king. At dawn, a ship appears near shore and the king begins wading toward the beach. The prince is then shown running down the beach and then Robin Hood starts running up the beach from the other direction. The camera keeps shifting to each man as they converge. Finally the king reaches the beach and steps on a home plate in the sand and immediately does a U-turn and heads back to the ship while an umpire screams "Safe." Then the prince runs at the umpire and starts to argue. The ump says he was safe and the prince says "Well I say kill the umpire" and pulls out his sword. Then Robin Hood shows up and battles him. Typical Mel Brooks craziness.
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