How this was commissioned and distributed is a mystery!
5 October 2009
This is the worst, shallowest, unfunny film I have endured for years. The concepts are poor, characters very shallow and plot is entirely ridiculous. Shouldn't the Dupree character be at least likable? I would have cheerfully strangled him on at least 10 occasions. Additionally, the idea of putting him in front of a classroom of impressionable kids is ludicrous - bordering on insane. Who in their right mind would want kids to hear the "mothership" clap-trap from Dupree? The staged elements - where he is a rude and imposing house-guest, were shown on the trailers to the film and were meant to shock. The fact that there was little else of any substance in the actual film is typical of this genre. The fire scene is also much more annoying than credible. Then when it clears up so easily is preposterous. The "lovable rogue" who hasn't grown up and still has fun skateboarding with the local kids, should never have been accepted by the producers as credible. I could go on but it does not deserve further consideration.

Please respect yourself and the rest of your life and do not waste a second of it on watching this film!!!!
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