The nail in the coffin for Franco
3 October 2009
Dr. Frankenstein (Dennis Price) arrives at his new abode only to find the dead bat body of Dracula (Howard Vernon) in his basement. With the help of his Frankenstein monster, the doc has a local burlesque dancer kidnapped and uses her blood to revive ol' Drac. He repeats this process in order to create an army of bloodsuckers that he controls telepathically. Of course, this doesn't sit well with Dr. Seward (Alberto Dalbes), who thought he got rid of Dracula in the first reel. With the help of some gypsies and The Wolfman (!), he decides to storm the castle and take care of business.

Well, I think this one put the nail in the coffin for my recent Franco mini-festival. As my friend described it, this is the "best" of his "worst." To the film's credit, it is well shot in places and has some nice locations. But nothing can prepare you for the level of cheapness on display like Frankenstein's monster having drawn on stitches. Vernon is a hoot as Count Dracula, with a constant snarl on his face to make sure to expose his teeth. He ends up looking like Dracula who smelled something funny. Franco apparently didn't bother with much of a script either as I think maybe there are 20 spoken lines in the film. Although the thing runs only 80 minutes, it seems to go on for days.
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