Fast-moving and very good
1 October 2009
This is based on Harriet Beecher Stowe's classic anti-slavery novel. In 1856 Eliza and George (both slaves from different plantations) get married. However George's owner won't let Eliza's owner buy him so they can't be together. Still they manage to have a son named Harry. However Tom (another slave) and and Harry are going to be sold to someone else. Eliza takes her son and runs off but can she get away? Fast-moving adaptation. It was obviously a big budget film (Universal spent $2 million on it--a huge amount in those days) and it shows. The film is very anti-slavery but strangely has some of the worst black stereotypes in place. For example--all the black children devour a watermelon in seconds and other blacks are portrayed as stupid or dumb for "comic" relief. Also there are white actors in (obvious) black face and the two leads (Eliza and George) are white also. Still, back in those days, this was common practice. Even stranger Harry (as a little kid) is obviously being played by a little girl but then is played by a little boy when the story jumps to years later! The change is obvious and distracting. Still, this is a great movie.

Some of the character names (Uncle Tom, Little Eva, Simon Legree, Sambo) have become part of our language in good and bad ways. Also this is the movie that contains the infamous sequence of Eliza being chased over ice floes with hounds nipping at her heels! The movie also is well-acted (especially by Margarita Fischer as Eliza) and very moving at times (even though it does overdo it a bit with little Eva). There's also enough characters and situations for three different movies but they're never confusing and are always easy to keep track of. It's beautifully directed also and the most recent versions have a very good music score added and some sound effects. Complaints aside this is a very good film--probably one of the best silent film ever. Recommended.
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