Decent Look at the Legend
30 September 2009
Minnelli on Minnelli: Liza Remembers Vincente (1987)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

This is one of those documentaries that was probably wonderfully accepted back when it was first released but it doesn't hold up too well today. What we get is Liza Minnelli doing the narration on the career of her father. Instead of learning too much, we get clips from various films including MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, FATHER OF THE BRIDE, THE PIRATE and many, many more. Back when these films weren't easily available, I'm sure seeing all these clips made for some great fun down memory lane but seeing clips only today doesn't really do much. Thanks to DVD there are much better learning tools out there so in the end this well-meaning doc just doesn't cut it as much as I'm sure it did years ago. We hear a few minor bits that anyone should know (about the marriage to Judy Garland) but that's about it. We really don't learn too much about the man.
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