Review of Symbol

Symbol (2009)
follow up
21 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
what a followup to his first film - the mockumetary DaiNipponji. If you don't have a clue going in - the first 1hr will be treat.

I found most movies are like that for me - if I was told about a synopsis to an movie - my mind will start to imagine. Sometimes not too much on the foreground - but I'm sure some neurons are working overtime in the background. This is what I think expectations and preconceptions are for me. And similarly with the same director - if you seen one of the previous movies...etc.. you get it.

**spoilers** so the man waking up in white room part is fun and funny. The segmentation of it into 3 parts sorts of gives the intention away - I would have prefer not telling us the 3 parts. And the 2nd stage of the white room has some clips that might be too.. time specific that it almost seen edited not with as much scrutiny? and maybe a bit "telling" of it message.

Overall, I liked it. 8 - for being different and coherent; fun and well organised; out of the ordinary and thougthful. But not as out of this world as his first movie. But much much much better than any mainstream out there.
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