Overrated! Less a documentary than a promo for Ms. Rivers
15 September 2009
How much are you willing to pay to see some amazing footage shot in the Ninth Ward during the storm? That's what it really comes down to, because there's no other reason to see this "documentary" ... and I use that word loosely. If you've been paying attention during the last few years (I have), you will learn NOTHING NEW about the storm, the aftermath, or how it affected the poor residents of the city. You will learn a lot about Kim Rivers, who seems to have a rather high opinion of herself. Here's a question for Ms. Rivers: Your uncle died in the storm. Before the storm, he was lying on YOUR porch, drunk or stoned or both. You knew the storm was coming; you knew he couldn't take care of himself; and you let him wander away, barely able to walk. So who's fault is it that he's dead? I'll give you a clue: it ain't the police, or the Bush administration, or the Army Corps of Engineers, or the city of New Orleans. Sit with that for a while, and get back to us if you think of something.
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