much better than expected
28 August 2009
This was a very good movie. Disney as I remember it kinda, I grew up on Disney films and lets face it they've fallen off in the last decade or so. But anyways back to the movie, while you've seen the plot many times before it still kept you wondering. The acting was superb, Jake T Austin does much better than expected in a role where he could have been a cliché, Selena Gomez and David Henrie were beyond convincing in their roles, their scenes together were my favorite! While the brother/sister relationship was in tact you could see that they ginuinely love and care for each other and credit goes to Ms. Gomez and Mr. Henrie for that. After seeing this I wonder what they will do next both have good careers ahead of them if they play their cards right. Their scenes were just so natural. Credit also goes to Mr. David Deluise and Maria Berrero (sorry forgot her name), the chemistry between the family makes you believe that they are really a tight nit family. To David Deluise your icon of a father would be proud of you for this performance. Hope they expand on the characters in the future and go for a feature film I would see it.
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