This IS how it was in the 60's.. how many times do I say that.
29 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Channel Five just showed this film, and I'm so glad. I'm 58 and left school, which was changing as I left it in 1966.. and this film IS how it was at that time. The coloured teacher, well, we had coloured pupils at my school and thought nothing of it. American of course, far more sensitive.. but THIS IS how it was then. We had the young delinquents, looked upon as heroes by the less educated, we had mixed classes and never gave the girls a lot of thought at that age, respect, yes.. and the characters in this film ARE how things were. How many more times am I going to say that. The class rooms, the teaching staff, yes yes and yes again. I'd forgotten a lot of this film, and it captivated me. Its a LOST time.. it was a good, fairly innocent time, pregnancy WAS a no no.. WE didn't do those thing YET.. but girls older than their time came a cropper. WE DID form a relationship with our teachers and one I mer later in my career said the mid 60's WAS the last of the 'family' class feeling. It all changed after that. The system was changing so THIS FILM.. is a lovely reminder of how it was. Judy was ALWAYS gorgeous.. HOW can anyone be that lovely.. it just WORKS. YES WHAT was in this stove.. I didn't get it either. And the end.. WILL HE WONT HE.. hes reminded of the challenges hes already met and conquered.. I cant praise this too highly. 60's London life IS HERE.. Lulu deserved her hit.. and the other young stars DID go forward. WHY didn't all these films of the mid 60's come out?? STILL many not.. WHY NOT.. we NEED the feel good NOW... Smashin Time..Mulberry Bush.. COME ON..
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