Bewitched: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (1968)
Season 5, Episode 6
Dick York should have received an Emmy for this one.
25 August 2009
Not to fault Dick Sargent, but he made a sometimes dull Darrin Stephens. Dick York, on the other hand, was more animated than most of the "Saturday Night Live" cast put together. He often appears "higher than a kite" in these later shows... perhaps with all of the prescription drugs he may have been taking? (Lots of pill popping in this one... multi colored ones at that.) Then again, many TV personalities in 1968 were a bit "high" anyway.

Endora casts a vanity spell and Darrin gets "with it" swinging sixties style. It starts innocently enough with him preening in his Camaro mirror. Then comes the Nehru jacket and beads, followed by a gold jacket and funny sideburns that Elvis may have loved. Samantha gets concerned; zapping off his outrageous wardrobe while he's visiting Larry Tate and a conservative definitely-over-thirty suntan client (Herb Voland). The climax comes when Sam tries to out-do his outfit with a "shimmer in silver" mini skirt. This prompts one of the funniest (and, shall we say, orgasmic?) lines of the whole series: "Sam, don't move! Look at that! When you stand in a certain light, I can see myself ALL over your dress! It's-it's like a hall of mirrors! I've never KNOWN such happiness!"

What made "Bewitched" so great were the performances, even when the storyline material got repetitious. Had this episode featured a different cast, it would have been "just another sitcom". Yet, York channeling the future Jim Carrey, with excellent support by overly stuffy Voland and his daffy wife (Sara Seegar, a frequent supporting star on this show: "What magnificent creatures!") and Elizabeth Montgomery looking sexy even with chocolate batter all over her face, definitely make this one a masterpiece of sixties television.
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