The cast and the occasional moment make this worth seeing
25 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Young man with a gangster for a father is studying for the exams to become a stock broker. He doesn't really want to go in that direction but that's the direction that his father has picked out for him (he's arranged a job for him once he finishes). Desperate to have his own life he has taken a dead end job at a local book supermarket just to have time for himself before his life stops being his own. After almost being run over by his college roommate he ends up at a party where he ends up meeting a beautiful blonde, who along with her boyfriend ends up changing his life.

This is a well acted, except by Nick Nolte, story based on a book by Michael Chabon. Its much better than its soiled reputation would indicate. The film is infamous for being the film Sienna Miller took simply to get away from the paparazzi, she got into even more trouble by bashing Pittsburgh in several off handed comments. It was then barely released to theaters before being dumped on to DVD. This is a good little film. I liked it. My only real complaint outside of Nick Nolte's performance (it just doesn't work here) is that the film is trying way too hard to be quirky. Its not bad, but there are these small turns and asides (Joe Namath's picture during a sex scene) that didn't really need to be there. I'm sure they were in the novel, but at the same time in the real world of the film they come across as out of place. Worth a look, probably on cable.
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