The Cell 2 (2009 Video)
Barely decent DVD sequel with another no name cast
20 August 2009
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Those cretins at LoveFilm, sure as day and night, sent me a film from the low priority section before I got one in one of the higher sections. And so I saw this made for DVD sequel to the 2000 horror film The Cell, which had pretensions of being a Silence of the Lambs style delve into the psyche of a serial killer but was in fact just an excuse for a former MTV music video director to show off his warped visual costumes and special effects. Hardly the springboard for a film that was going to get a sequel in theatres and surely enough, this has arrived like many other sequels nowadays arriving straight to DVD. And so we have a sexy (but scrawnily thin) young woman running around snow ridden America with a detective whose niece has been kidnapped, using her 'mind power' to hunt down the kidnapper, who's also a serial killer. Everyone involved just goes through the motions with some wearisome sets and dull dialogue until, after barely 70 minutes, the whole shebang comes to an end. Distracting enough if you've got nothing better to watch, but pretty pointless otherwise. **
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