One of the Better Australian Westerns
17 August 2009
Matthew Quigley (Tom Selleck) sails three months to Australia to fill a role as a sharpshooter. But once he finds out that he's been hired to kill off the aborigine population, Quigley turns on his new boss (Alan Rickman) and brings his own particular brand of justice to the outback.

Alan Rickman makes this movie, hands down. Selleck is fine, but Rickman's voice and mannerisms make him the perfect villain. It's no shock he was given such a prominently dark role in the Harry Potter films or presented as the voice of God in "Dogma". I'm not so sure about "Space Quest" (not a fan), but Rickman is the man you want in your film, along with Gary Oldman. Together they would be an unstoppable force, stronger than Pacino and DeNiro.

The biggest complaint is that this film should have been maybe twenty minutes shorter... the end drags on for some time. Okay, so you have thugs attacking you and you're a sharpshooter. I get it. Stop these endless skirmishes and just kill the bad guy. Please.

Those who love Tom Selleck and his mustache should watch this film, perhaps as a double feature with "Gypsy Warrior". But even those who don't particularly care for Selleck may enjoy Rickman's performance as the evil thug master. Aside from his weird snarl, he easily steals the show.
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