Ju ma pao (1976)
The princess of the Golden City—Taiwanese Kung Fu tale
17 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The throne of the Golden City—the capital of the Phoenix Island, in the South China's seas—has been usurped and a mischievous Emperor now reigns; but somewhere there is a princess, an heiress to that desired throne, the fair daughter of the dethroned Emperor. She's aided by the descendants of her father's loyal and brave generals—aided by them, I say, to gain the throne that belongs in fact to her. Well, now you can tell whether the subject of the Kung Fu legend RETURN OF THE KUNG FU DRAGON interests you. Adroitly, this tale is treated in a burlesque manner, it's colorful, lively and pretty dynamic, action—wise exciting and quite fast—moving, funny; one could object a certain murkiness of the storyline—but then again, since these Kung Fu scripts aren't known for their keen thoughtfulness, what couldn't one? Don't make your appreciation of RETURN OF THE KUNG FU DRAGON depend on that ….

There are, of course, magicians, and the royal princess is nice—in fact, quite cute.

Are we entitled to conclude that the Kung Fu dragon from the flick's title is this princess? Directed by Chick Lim Yu, ROTKFD is a '76 Taiwanese flick, and the almost non—stop gags and humor make impossible of course any feeling of wonderment at the legendary facts narrated, yet do allow for rather enough sentiment of weirdness.
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