Resident Evil 5 (2009 Video Game)
Resident Evil: Zero Atmosphere
16 August 2009
Resi 5 looks good and sounds good, but despite all the prettiness and bells and whistles the gameplay, I'm sorry to say, is rather mundane.

The Plagas virus from Resi 4 comes back and is infecting African tribesman and shanty town locals. Chris Redfield returns with his new partner Sheva to find out just who is pulling the strings this time. Gee, do think it will be Wesker...again?

There is very little in this game that is fresh. 90% of it is simply lifted from Resi 4 (dilapidated villages, grotty, rusting facilities, mines, yadda-yadda-yadda), though none of the atmosphere that made it so re-playable is present. Bringing the action out of the darkness and into the sunlight was a big mistake. There is also a disappointing lack of interesting weapons and upgrades cost too much, considering how little gold and treasures you encounter during the course of the levels (there is unfortunately no Cockney Merchant). Plus you never really feel the power of the upgrades.

Having played through the game twice I was rewarded with a few paltry unlockables. As well as being a criminally short and easy game there are not many reasons to trudge through it again.

A minor disappointment. I'm just glad I didn't pay full price for it.

Graphics A Sound A Gameplay B Lasting Appeal C+
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