District 9 (2009)
Aliens - go home
14 August 2009
Storyline An extraterrestrial race is forced to live within "the projects" (Yo, homie !) located in central Africa, striving to meek out their existence in hopes of returning to their home planet which they've been away from now for oh,…twenty f'n years! A spirited government agent who is exposed to their unique biotechnology may be their final hope or pull their air all together. Think: "Going Postal" meets "E.T." . . . on crack.

The Cast and Crew Hats off to Neill Blomkamp for not writing and directing what seems to be his first flick, but convincing folks to lend him tens of millions to make a sci-fi movie which appears written during some serious whippit sessions; which I'm sure he thought, "it'll knock those tasty Reese's Pieces right outta cute little E.T.'s, glow-stick hand" – Dumb, dumb, ta'daa… Oh, so sorry Neill, with two "ls" for good measure, but you've just lost in…Let's Make a Movie! But turn that frown upside down you freaky little Spielberg leg-humper 'cause we're sending you away with: A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF CO2 CANISTERS ….to help with your next train wreck.

I wasn't crazy about any of the cast members. A couple of the military guys were okay, but the rest could just have been wallpaper as far as I care – give me the aliens; I am your leader! I'll tell you who needs a big, hats off is the art department, visual and special effects girls and boys. Yo, Michael Bay, learn a thing or two here for your next Transform-lamers. Michael, did you have to run your name twice within the first 20 lines of credits?! What a looser… Poser.

Good, Bad and Indifferent The first 40 minutes – look out. If your have narcolepsy make sure your buddy/husband/wife/elicit lover has a cattle prod next to ya at all times. Once those minutes are over though, you're in for a treat; great visuals and somewhat ethical think-age you may experience, so pop a vitamin before hand, okay. The story becomes quick and really refreshing after those long forty.

There's a real spin in this story and beautiful character arcs when I look back. Also, just when you think you've seen it all regarding blood and guts being sprayed about and even on ya, District 9, gives us a little more. Think, 300 – Blomkamp made this flick in that vain. Made you feel right in the mix; however, the documentary style approach in the first 40 severely clashed with the "authentic" approach (as if you are there) during the remainder of the movie – no balance and amateurish. Left some room for a sequel though. Good call, Blom. Who knows? Maybe. Just maybe.

Loved the take on aliens and humans living on the same planet with the ethical dilemmas unleashed here; really fresh, if you cut the first forty I'd gladly bump you up a star or two.

Bottom Line If you're into sci-fi you really can't go wrong – a truly unique storyline; however, wait until that rainy day and catch it at home – and fast forward the first forty, in case I forgot to mention that.

Ck - iratefilms
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