Hey, this isn't a bad movie for little kids!
12 August 2009
A couple of days ago I took my 11 and 6 year old grandsons to see this movie in Oceanside, California. Suffice it to say that I did NOT decide to go jump off the nearby Oceanside Pier when the film was over. Sure, it's no world-beater. On the other hand, I was somewhat surprised that the movie was better than I had expected.

Probably most of the criticisms one can read in the other reviews have merit. But over all "Aliens in the Attic" is far from the worst kids movie you have ever seen. Obvious, yes, but enjoyable for the little ones. I'll say this, I took these same grandkids to see "Daddy Day Camp" when it was out and I was completely disgusted and disappointed by that turkey. "Aliens in the Attic" is a couple of notches above that one. At least there are no exploding outhouses or questionable values modeled by adult characters.

No doubt taking little kids to the zoo or going for a walk in the woods would be better for little kids, but if you get stuck for something to do this summer you should not feel hesitant to take them to this film.
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